
April Fools | OGReHome Opening Day

The joke is on me.  My plan (what is it about plans?) was to open OGReHome on April Fools Day.   Instead, the server had to process the change.  Well, you know what the shrinks (and artists and philosophers and wise women and men) say about process.  So I'm relishing the process of waiting...waiting as I suffer from the effects of random perimenopausal insomnia...waiting as I continue my responsibilities and pleasures today...waiting as the world continues its bumping business of standing up for wealthy taxpayers at the expense of struggling subway riders.  Not my problem, they say.   But in fact, it's all part of the process.

...process...process...process... you know when you write something over and over and over again the letters start spinning around and losing their coherence.  The word falls apart along with your world... or is that just my insomniac fatigue?   

is it me or the world or my fatigue?  is it me or the world or my situation?  is it me or the world or my hormones? is it me or the world or ... is the world the weather the family the job the news or the ...  and what is me anyway?  



April 2009

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